How long is my transfer kept?

Smash keeps your transfers and the files they contain only for a limited time, that of the period of validity.

If you use Smash in free version, the validity period of your files is 7 days by default. you can configure it as you like, from 1 day minimum, up to 14 days.
For Smash Pro subscribers, the validity period is of 7 days by default. You are free to modify it, up to 30 days maximum.
At the end of this period of validity, your files expire and this is the end of the Smash adventure. They are automatically deleted from our servers.
This ephemeral backup ensures you doubly limited access to your files:
  • in number of people: only those who have the transfer link can access it
  • in number of days: at the end of the period of validity, they become inaccessible
As a reminder, Smash is a file transfer service. Storage for a limited period is therefore part of our identity. We appreciate your trust, but we suggest to always keep a copy of the files sent. We are not a cloud service. We transfer your files, then we keep them warm on our servers before saying goodbye after a few days.
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