How do I password protect my file transfers?

Your transfers are sacred, it's not much to remember that. 

To protect your files, you're ready for anything, aren't you? On Smash, no need to struggle to protect your transfers: we have thought of everything. 

Of course, security is our priority. We put in place engineering tools and practices that are among the highest standards in industry, all to secure access to personal data.

Password protect is part of these practices, among others. This feature is available on Smash Free and Smash Pro. All equal for safety!

Just watch and see how easy is it to password protect your transfer:


Just click on the settings icon, on the bottom left side of the sending page, to discover many features, including the password protect option. 

Once the settings are complete, click on "done" and send!

Your password must contain at least 4 characters. 

A little advice: the more your password is original, the harder it will be to find, and the more it will protect your files. Do not try with the password used on the image above. ;)

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